The 7 Laws of 'The Law of Attraction'

When we start to think about using ‘The Law of Attraction’ one of the universal laws (there are actually twelve others), we start to think of how we can use this to help us in reaching our business and life goals, we just need to take a deeper look inside it and we find a further 7-laws. Learning and understanding these laws can help us look at our daily dilemmas from a different, more philosophical or spiritual viewpoint. They can help us see the bigger picture, the higher learning of our soul’s purpose that we may not fully see while we are living with these issues or challenges. Let’s now break the Law of Attraction down into its seven sub-laws.

1) The Law of Manifestation

Consciousness is always a choice. It's the choice to bring your awareness to the present moment, the decision to see and prioritise that which is truly important. Being consciously aware of the decisions you are making and living in the present are the keys to mastering this law. The mind is the most powerful tool you can use when it comes to manifesting your desired reality, so everything you think about is going to reveal itself at some point in your life. And don’t forget, the LOA works both ways, so it’s possible to attract negative outcomes if negativity is the core of your focus. So, understand that you have the power to manifest your dreams and desires if you are consciously feeding your mind with positive thoughts.

2) The Law of Magnetism

We can only attract the same kind of energy frequency that we put out ourselves. When you understand that everything you have experienced up until this point in your life is a result of the energy frequency you release out into the world, you will see that we, as humans, are the actual magnets of our own lives. Just like the Universe, we are also made up of vibrational energy. So the Law of Magnetism reveals that it’s the energy frequencies we put out that come right back to us, like a magnet. And because the Law of Attraction is always working, the magnetic exchange that is happening all around us never loses its vibration in the Universe - it’s always staying in action whether we are aware of it or not.  This is why it’s important to make sure the energy you are releasing in the world is the type of energy you are okay receiving back to you. 

3) The Law of Pure Desire (or Unwavering Desire)

When you are feeling like the LOA just isn’t working for you, it may be time to revisit exactly what it is that you desire. Often times, we get confused about how our manifesting powers work, meaning, it takes way more than just one positive thought to reveal the life of your dreams. For those who have had success in manifesting their wildest desires, understand that there was never a magic lamp or genie granting wishes… the power came from a strong desire. The Law of Unwavering Desire means that you are guided by pure intention, so, without a doubt, you have to actually want it. When you're driven by pure intention, free of fear, doubt and desperation you can be certain of a beneficial outcome. For your wishes to be pure you must genuinely believe that you are worthy of what you want.

For example, on the surface, you may think you want a million pounds or a huge house in the country. But deep down, your desires might actually look different, like having more than enough money to start a business or the freedom to travel the world. Making certain you know exactly what you want is the first essential step to bring anything into your reality. So, the desire you feel for what you want in life must be so strong for the Law of Attraction to work the way it’s supposed to.

4) The Law of Paradoxical Intent (or Delicate Balance)

Balance happens to be one of the key themes in the Law of Attraction. When we find balance in ourselves, we are essentially releasing the high-frequency vibrational energy needed for the Law of Attraction to work. That means showing appreciation and gratitude for what you already have. To live an abundant life, you must shift your mindset to already living one. So, to become balanced and at peace with what you currently have helps keep feelings of desperation and obsession at bay.

You see, feelings of desperation create the paradox that also has the vibrational power to push away the things (or people) you need to reveal the outcomes in life you desire. It’s one thing to want something, but when you become so desperate to have it, you are actually pushing away what you need to get it. Think about the appreciation that you'll have at the fruition of your goals and choose to feel gratitude for what you have in your life right now. You can get what you want by knowing that you don't need it to be happy.

5) The Law of Harmony (or Synchronisation)

Everything in the Universe is connected. That means you too, are connected to the Universe via many different energy sources. The Law of Harmony was put in place to allow for us to reveal and use the deep-rooted power we have to align ourselves with the energy flowing through the Universe. And when you tap into the Universal flow, you are granting yourself special access to what the world has to offer. That means more abundance, more creation power, and, most importantly, more of what you really desire. This is something that comes from within, so don’t forget that harmoniously aligning yourself with the Universe opens up your highest manifesting power.

6) The Law of Right Action (or Conscientious Action)

Did you know that how to treat others has the power to either attract or reject the prosperous life you are seeking? Well, the Law of Right Action reveals why actions really do speak louder than words. Simply being a good human, like choosing to do the right thing or lending a helping hand, will always bring more positivity into your life. Remember, just like a magnet, the honour and integrity you put out into the world will continually reveal themselves back to you in the same way.

Life can be hard sometimes, so it may seem easier to react out of emotion or stress, causing damage and destruction in your surrounding environment. So, as you navigate life, make sure to consciously be aware of whether or not what you are doing is honouring yourself and others. Remember, we are all made up of vibrational energy, the Universe included, so keeping your energy frequency tuned to that of dignity and honour will always work in your favour, even if you can’t see it right away.

7) The Law of Expanding Influence (or Universal Influence)

Energy expands in the world and has influence in your personal arena and in the world at large. You can and do have an impact on everything, from the productivity of your company and the harmony of your family, all the way to the peace of the world! The power of your own personal vibration becomes global by virtue of the law.  

The Law of Universal Influence means just that: we have an influence on everyone around us. That means your family, your friends, and even perfect strangers are impacted by the energy you release. Remember, everyone and everything is connected, so energy has the power to expand into every crevice of the world.

Energy is powerful, so everything from the way you handle business to your influence in a relationship impacts you and the world around you. By consciously choosing positivity in your everyday life, you are creating more positive energy throughout the Universe. So be mindful and be careful, because every thought, action, and reaction influences all things and all beings around us. Every thought and every deed plants a new seed in the garden of our destiny.

Being aware of all 7 Laws of Attraction is a good foundation for making conscious choices, but you can't ignore the fact that the energetic vibrations of your unconscious and subconscious beliefs are really where you need to focus if you want to have lasting change.

Do you use the Law of Attraction as part of who you are and in your daily practices?

If you enjoyed reading this article, why not pop it on your Pinterest board and pin this image with others.

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How to Host a Vision Board Workshop?

What is a vision board?

Making a vision board sounds like a good idea. But it sounds like a lot of work, too. Am I right? (it really isn’t) Don’t put it off any longer!

To draw more of what you want into your life and ensure your vision board gets made, throw a vision board party (or join my online one). As someone who has attended and hosted many vision board parties), I can totally say that these get-togethers are a great way to define your best life, while helping others realise their dreams. They’re lots of fun, too!

Whether you’re making boards with friends, family or kids — follow these vision board party tips for an inspirational and entertaining event.

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What is a vision board

A vision board is a collage that uses the law of attraction to draw more of what you want into your life and helps you realise what and what you don’t need in your life to make these goals happen. Vision boards can focus on something specific like career, love life, or the upcoming year. Or, you can make a board that encompasses your general life intentions. These are great things to get kids involved with, a perfect activity for a rainy day.

To make a vision board that will help you achieve your goals, first cut pictures and phrases out of magazines that represent your desires and goals. You can also print images from websites or include your own photos in the collage. Next, glue the images and words onto a canvas frame and place it somewhere you can see it on a regular basis. (Mine is hanging in my office.) Then look at it daily, remember what you have promised yourself, find new opportunities that will help them manifest and wait for the magic to happen!

Why host a vision board party

Throwing a vision board party motivates you to set aside the time needed to create a vision board to draw positive things into your life. Plus, you will have more magazines from which to select your images and phrases. And it’s a great excuse to get friends or family together!


How to plan a vision board party

When planning your vision board party, keep the number of attendees to a manageable number. I suggest inviting six to ten friends, or however many can comfortably fit around your kitchen or dining room table. Be sure not to invite any Debbie Downers to the shindig, either. You don’t need that kind of energy messing up everyone’s vision boards.

My advice is to skip paper invitations and just send a text, messenger or email invite. The point is to de-stress your life, not add more unneeded tasks. In your messages, you should request a few things. Why not ask each guest to bring a stack of old magazines and their own pair of scissors to keep your own costs down.

What to buy for your vision party

  • A bunch of glue sticks.

  • Lots of pairs of scissors and a pair of left-handed scissors for the lefties in your life.

  • One canvas per person

  • Snacks and drinks to share (lots of sugary treats to keep your energy levels high).

  • Extra magazines.

  • For extra flair, get some stick-on poster letters, shapes, sparkles or phrases.

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When to host your party

The start of a new year (and new moon) is a wonderful time to throw a vision board party. Or, you could make boards to celebrate a birthday, graduation or other momentous life change. You do not need to wait for a specific reason. Any time is a good time to get together with friends or family to focus on life goals and happiness during a vision board party! Why not host one as a works team event?

Remember that food and drinks are often the focal point of a typical party, but the main goal of a vision board party is to create a positive physical representation of what you and your guests want out of life. To keep the focus on the boards, steer clear of hosting your party during mealtimes. Instead, choose a late morning or mid-afternoon start time.

Food and drink suggestions


Since hands will be busy flipping through magazines, cutting out images, and gluing things onto poster boards, stick with simple snacks that don’t make a lot of mess. Suggestions include cheese and crackers, veggies and dip, a fruit plate, non-greasy crisps, cookies or muffins. For a festive party with adult attendees, you may want to serve bucks fizz for a morning party or wine and beer at a later party. No matter the age of attendees, it’s always a good idea to have some fun non-alcoholic drinks on hand like sparkling water, juice and craft sodas. Put drinks in iced buckets so guests can serve themselves. To simplify things further for you as the host, you might ask everyone to bring a starter, dessert or drink to share instead.

What to do at your vision board party

To kick off your vision board party, start with introductions and intentions. Go around the table and have all attendees state their name and what they hope to achieve with their vision board. For example, the primary purposes for my latest vision board were to find more: work-life balance, connection with my kids, time in nature, healthy living and, of course, travel.

After setting intentions, get to work. Clip those magazines to pieces. Meanwhile, eat, drink and be merry with your fellow vision board makers!


How to make a vision board

MY BOARD 18-01-20.jpg

I suggest laying out a general design for your board before you start gluing. You might also want to put a strong image of your central intention in the middle of your board. My own image was of a girl dressed up as wonder woman! For me, this represents my need to help and support many people through my various coaching and mentoring sessions and courses.

You should also leave some white space. This gives room to add additional images as you find them. Plus the white space allows room for serenity on your board. If there is too much chaos, you might just draw chaos to your life!

Be sure to paste everything onto the poster boards AT THE PARTY! At my first vision board party, some of my friends had to leave early and took their clippings and boards home separately. Of course, they intended to glue the pictures to their poster boards. That was years ago and I know at least one friend who has never finished her vision board.

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Tips for hosting a vision board party with kids

Making vision boards with kids is a wonderful way to help children focus on being positive. This activity can also give kids a sense of empowerment over how they want to live their lives. Without guidance, children may look at this as merely an opportunity to make a pretty collage or they might just cut out a lot of images of material things like toys and candy, instead of focusing on what truly matters to them. When hosting a vision board party with children, you may need to help kids define what types of things they want to paste to their boards and assist them to find appropriate pictures.


Ask questions to help kids understand what kinds of things they might want to paste to their boards. Sample questions include:

  • What do you like to do for fun with your friends and family?

  • What are three goals you’d like to achieve (this year/in your life)?

  • At what activity, sport or school subject would you like to improve?

  • What would a really happy day look like for you?

  • If you could go anywhere in the world on holiday, where would that be?

  • Do you have a favourite animal, colour or food that you’d like to add to your vision board?

  • Is there someone you really admire? Who and why?

Once kids have defined some goals and things that bring them joy, you (and other adult participants) can help them find images that match these. Point out relevant images that you find, but leave it up to kids to decide if they belong on their boards. Kids should feel ownership and pride in their vision boards. Only they know what belongs in their vision.

Be open to how your visions are realised

Once you create a vision board to help define what you want in your life, you should work toward your goals but understand that your desires might manifest in different ways than you imagined.

Be ready for cancelled plans, but be aware of how they may turn up again in another opportunity - but you have to keep imagining and dreaming of this goal, how does it feel to touch the sand in your bare feet, how does it feel to open the door to the new car - how does it sound on the open road? (you get the picture!)

Time for another party!

As time moves on, our goals and desires change. Even if you’ve made a vision board in the past, you may consider making another one. I have made several vision boards and  Each board I’ve made is special in different ways.

Why not make these an annual event with friends and take turns hosting or why not get together at work and have a team-building day sharing your goals for the future.

Save these tips!

Be sure to save these vision board party tips for future reference. Simply pin the image above to Pinterest. I hope you’ll follow SHARON HOWAT on Pinterest while you’re at it!

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Have you ever made a vision board? Do you have any questions or tips to share? Let us know in the comments below!




5 Ways You Never Thought About Using a Vision Board

Are you familiar with using a vision board as a tool for keeping your dreams and goals in mind, or maybe your not and this is the first time you have seen one and can see how powerful they can be.

But did you know also know that you can use a vision board in a variety of ways, depending on your needs? In fact, you might even want to have more than one vision board, to keep your dreams for the various areas of your life and business clear.


Business Planning

This vision board is where you’ll keep track of why and how you do what you do. You started your business for a reason - your “why.” But somewhere along the way, many of us lose sight of this goal.

A business planning vision board can help keep us on track.

On it, you’ll keep images that represent your ideal business, such as working from the beach, speaking in front of a large crowd, achieving top seller status, or even a big fancy office if that’s your thing.

Life Goals

Where do you want to be in five, ten, or twenty years? That’s not just a question from a bad job interview, it’s a critical consideration for anyone who wants to live a life of purpose and meaning, and a vision board is a perfect tool for staying on track.

This vision board—like all of them—is fluid and in a constant state of change. As your life goals change and grow, so will your vision board. Maybe you no longer want to live in Paris. That’s ok. Replace the city of lights with a relaxing mountaintop retreat if that’s your thing.

But do keep your life goals vision board updated and refer to it each time you have to make a major decision. It will help clarify the direction you need to take to achieve your life’s dreams.

Holiday Planning

Heading off on an amazing holiday with the family? Don’t leave your journey to chance. Capture all your “must-see” destinations on a vision board so you don’t miss anything.

Even better, invite your kids and spouse to join you, and create a fun planning tool the entire family can use. The kids will be excited about your trip, and you’ll be sure everyone gets to see and do everything they hoped for. By planning ahead, you’ll ensure everyone has the epic vacation of their dreams.

Home Buying

Pinterest has built an entire business around what amounts to a digital vision board—much of it devoted to home décor. If you’re looking for a new home, or simply remodeling the one you have, then a vision board is a great way to organise your plans.

Snip photos of the style of home you love, colour combos to try, landscaping ideas, and anything else that strikes your fancy. Keeping your home-buying vision board close at hand will save you time in your search by reminding you exactly what you’re looking for.

Client/Customer/Team Member Attracting

Every business has an ideal client and customer (and us network marketers it can be team members too), but this seemingly simple thing can be incredibly difficult to define. A vision board can and will help you out big time with that!

Is your ideal customer male or female? Young or old? Successful or not? Does he or she have kids or a home or a business? Is she confident or timid? Athletic or overweight? What are their issues right now?

Create a collection of images that represent your ideal client and refer to it each time you are tempted (as we all are) to sign a client or team member who is less than ideal.

You can also listen to my podcast about my experience at creating my 2020 vision board or you can watch it on Youtube above.


Have you ever made a vision board? Do you have any questions or tips to share?
Let me know in the comments below!

Save these tips!

Be sure to save these vision board tips for future reference. Simply pin the image below to Pinterest and I hope you’ll follow my Facebook group for getting ‘more social' online’ Sharon Howat - Building a business online while you’re at it!

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5 Easy Techniques To Help You Achieve Your Real Goals In Your Life

5 Easy Techniques To Help You Achieve Your Real Goals In Your Life

Did you know that 'Goal Setting' is the secret to fulfilling ANY dream or desire you want in life?

Did you also know that SUPER Successful people use 'Goals' to attain the knowledge and wealth they have today?

Some of you reading this right now might agree and some of you might not. That decision is yours to make.

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