Making Networking Lists Inside Facebook - Using Your Friends List for Business

Making Networking Lists Inside Facebook - Using Your Friends List for Business

Networking on Facebook can be very easy once you pop people into special ‘friends lists’.

I use lists for everything from having a specific list of my team members so I can remind them of any important training or company updates to a list of potential customers and clients.

Remember to check-in with your contacts weekly to let them know you are still there and part of their own community of friends and fellow networker’s. Keep the relationship building and growing!

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How to host a Facebook Live Open House


This time we are just going to go for it, live on Facebook and showing everyone who you are, why you joined your company and the benefits of the products will have for them in only 30-45 minutes, once a month!

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Here’s my own 30-minute training on how to run a live Facebook Open House, check out how I edited the LIVE TITLE later so I could encourage more shares and team members!


This is a great habit to get into, just like monthly opportunity events. Create some excitement 1 week before by sharing a game and the winner will be announced at the live event or promote your product giveaway like I did on this Facebook Live at the start to encourage sharing, engagement and more interaction during the LIVE event.

Your 30-45 minute event is in 6 parts (and a guide to timings to help you stay on track)
1) 1 minute – Intro and prize giveaway for shares (welcome chat, #replay, #newbie, #regular or location)
2) 2 minutes – Company history, what do they do
3) 15 minutes – Talk about the products & benefits
4) 5 minutes – Share your story. Why did you join – ask for people to join your team and the benefits
5) 2 minutes – Can you do a Live 2-minute product demo?
6) 5 minutes – Close and your CTA (call to action). Thank you for joining, please remember to share this live to enter the draw and if you would like to join my team and get products at wholesale please look at the link above the replay.

Team Training

Here is a video of my 30 minute training on creating an open house. 


My Open House

This is a recording of an actual live open house where I even play hook a duck. I hope you take lot's of ideas and inspiration for creating your own - get out there and get social with your friends, customers and potential team members!


I hope these ideas have helped you and gave you some more confidence to set up your first open house which would be great for your customers to build up trust by joining you with these once a month events.

I’d love or you to share the image below on Pinterest, come find me over there HERE

Pop a comment below or come on over to my business page on Facebook, you’ll find me hanging out there all day!


How to host a Facebook Party in just 45-minutes

So you have started a network marketing or a direct sales business and now you need to get the name of your business out there online and share what you do with everyone so you can bring in sales and potentially, new team members. The first thing I advise everyone to do is, host a Facebook live online launch party and make sure you also schedule in a monthly open house event LIVE on Facebook. Let's now jump into how to how a Facebook Party in just 45-minutes.

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Let me share with you my tips for launching successfully and ways to run a winning Facebook Party, this to increase your visibility and product awareness massively!

Planning & preparing is crucial: I copy/paste my pre-written text throughout the event to save time and stress!

Four Options for a basic 45-minute party are:

1) Create an event 7 days before your party using your personal profile (ASKING if people would like a VIP invite as this party - it is not for public eyes, you want to build up excitement)

2) Create an event in your Facebook Group inviting all your group members

3) Change the actual name of your business group for 7 days to ‘Sharon’s Thursday night VIP Party’ and have the posts running right on your feed there.

4) Host the event on your business page where you can get lots of new eyes onto your content and products

Two things happen with the 'Facebook Group' method (which I love):

1) It pings up a notification to every single person who is in your group so tells everyone.

2) It tells people that don’t want to be in your group they are in and weeds them out, leaving only genuine people that want to interact and be there! Bravo - we weed out inactive members so we are left with genuine customers!


7 days before the event post ONCE a day only

It’s good to run an online Facebook party alongside a house party
I like to create a closed Facebook event for all my hosts holding house parties, I create the event on my personal profile and make the host a co-host of the event and ask her to invite ONLY 20 – 50 of her friends (the ones she has a good idea of who will purchase and engage). This is great for guests coming to her home party get a feel of the products available and the prices. They can ask questions before or if they cannot make her party they can place orders this way. (No item prices are posted during these 7-days or that would be spammy) we save that for party day!

Create some graphics (I use Canva, this is free and available on mobile)

7 days before – Create the event with a ‘door prize’ ONLY for those accepting the invite and post a funny picture in the evening relating to your products
6 days before – Create/share a funny meme related to your industry
5 days before – Post a helpful/ problem-solving image related to one of your product ranges (plant the seed.
4 days before – Post a ‘how to’ image ‘how to apply primer’ how to shrink belly fat’ ‘how to pack for short trips’
3 days before – Post an A, B or C image ‘which would you choose?’ ‘which do you prefer?’
2 days before – Let’s be entertaining – how about making up a Spotify music list ‘what music is good for the party?’ post your comments below
The day before your online/in-house party – Create a poll ‘what can you not live without?’ ‘which do you prefer?’

It’s party day…

In the morning share your excitement and tag the hostess (you want her to share her excitement)
At 5pm post, a reminder that the event is happening at ‘[HOSTESS NAME] house at 7pm] or online at 9pm.

For online parties – share a post 30 mins before asking if they are ready to party and share a fun graphic of you ready to party too!


1. ROLL CALL the draw for entering the event and for accepting the RSVP invitation

2. PRODUCT SHOWCASE – Share your 5 favourite products and why (why not share a video instead)

3. RETAIL THERAPY – Share the link to your business page and the special photo album (increases your likes as well)

4. CHECKOUT – WHOLESALE SPECIAL & WINNERS (make people hang out online for the results)


If you are having a ‘video & graphic based’ 30-minute themed party – now is the time to post your welcome video of you dressed up and ready to party!

Here is my 80’s themed video (and I do not own the rights to the music - Please add a disclaimer on all lives and YouTubes that contain music) these are my 30-minute themed parties!!



Here is an old but still relevant training I was delivered to my team, please use and adapt to your own business


I hope these ideas have helped you and gave you some more confidence to set up your first Facebook Party or helped you get ready to promote your own live open house which would be great to see as a regular once a month event.

Do you have any questions?

Are you a member of our WOMEN WITH PURPOSE This is a Facebook Community for helping you get the confidence to ‘get social’ with your business online as well as offline!

Never miss an update and add me on messenger HERE